Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ways To Clear Acne Using Baking Soda

!±8± Ways To Clear Acne Using Baking Soda

As far as home remedy ways to clear acne, sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda as we typically call it, is by far my all time favorite. Baking soda has so many benefits to skin care and fighting acne that one can write an entire site upon it! First of all, the stuff is cheap! This day and age recovery any kind of money is a good thing! Secondly, the grains are extremely small and are very flat and round. This makes it an exquisite exfoliate for getting out the fat and clearing clogged pores. Baking soda also does a great job at getting rid of the dead skin colse to acne and that gives bacteria a lot less to feed upon. Finally, sodium bicarbonate won't over dry your skin. While we want our skin to be dry and oil free it can't be too dry or else the body will work overtime to produce even more oil that we have to fight off.

The attractiveness of baking soda is there are some great ways to clear acne using it!

Sodium Bicarbonate as a Spray/Toner - Sprays or toners are used after washing your face as an added guard against acne. As with all natural remedies you are going to want to try this on a small part of your face for the first time to make double sure that you are not allergic to your toner. Begin by adding one to two tablespoons of baking soda to a proper spray bottle. Close and shake the bottle for a bit until you're sure the baking soda is fully dissolved. Wash and pat dry your face and then spritz a bit onto your face and allow it to dry. There's no need to wash it off and its invisible, any way being self conscience as I am, I used this before I went to bed. I had no problems leaving it on all night.

Sodium Bicarbonate Face Mask - This not only helps unclog and exfoliate your skin, but it feels good too! Mix baking soda and a small amount of warm to hot water together until you get a nice thick paste and spread it evenly over your face. Leave it on for about twenty minutes after it fully dries and then wash and pat dry your face. Sodium bicarbonate facial mask have been used since baking soda has been popular and its price makes this one of my popular mask solutions.

Sodium Bicarbonate as a Facial Cleanser - Using baking soda as a facial cleanser isn't much separate than making the facial mask. This time you'll want to mix sufficient warm water and baking soda together until you get a facial cleaner like consistency and then promenade to use the mix on your face. Rub it in softly, and let the small texture of the composition exfoliate your skin. After lightly rubbing and massaging your face for 2-3 minutes with the mixture, rinse and pat dry. Baking soda won't over dry your skin so further cleansing is not necessary.

Whether or not you use this recipe or any method, the most leading thing to keep in mind is that you've got to stick to the plan. Most folks give up on medicine way too early thinking that because they don't see any revising overnight that their qoute isn't getting any better. With any acne medicine make sure you give it a good week or two before authentically looking into how effective your recipe of medicine is.

Using baking soda as a facial cleanser is great but using it with tree oil as a way to clear acne is even better!

Ways To Clear Acne Using Baking Soda

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How To Make Wine At Home

!±8± How To Make Wine At Home

Making wine at home is not difficult, and it is a very rewarding hobby. In this article, we will go through the equipment needed and all the steps you take to make wine from fruit - grapes, apples, plums, pears, peaches, or whatever fruit you have.

You can also make wine at home from a kit, usually using grape concentrate, but the results are very variable, and it is much more satisfying to make wine from fresh fruit.

You probably thought of home wine making because you have your own fruit, or have been given some, or because fruit is in season in your area and you can get it very cheaply. Making wine is a great way of using fruit when you cannot possibly eat it all, or make all of it into jam, or freeze it all.

I have made wine successfully from many kinds of fruit, including grapes, apples, apricots, plums (many varieties), quinces, pears and peaches. Make sure you discard all rotten or suspect fruit right at the start.

Assuming you have your fruit ready, here are the equipment and supplies you need.

A large food grade plastic tub or stainless steel pot to squeeze or press juice into. Needs to have a lid. An electric juicer (not essential if you can squeeze or press the fruit by hand). A glass fermentation vessel like a jug, carboy or demijohn (also called a 'jimmyjohn') with an airlock. These are available at brewing shops. It is usually better to use several smaller vessels (of one gallon capacity) than one large one. A plastic tube for siphoning. Yeast (available in packets at brewing shops and some supermarkets). Sugar.Sterilizing solution or tablets. (Not essential - you can clean equipment with boiling water.)

With this all collected, follow these steps to make your wine.

Get your juice

People starting out with home fruit wine making often wonder how much fruit they actually need. Here is a tip I have found works - you need enough juice to fill the glass fermentation vessel you are using - your carboy or demijohn. Some recipes advocate watering your fruit juice to make up the quantity you need, but never do this. Use pure juice and your wine will be full-flavored and satisfying to drink.

You will either press the fruit, squeeze it by hand or use an electric juicer. If squeezing by hand (soft plums for example) you will need a large stainless steel or plastic container. If you have hard fruit like apples or hard plums, and electric juicer is a good investment if you don't own one already. You can also cut up the fruit and boil it in a little water to extract the juice, but this degrades the flavor of the final wine. If you have grapes, you can try trampling them with your feet in the traditional manner. Some fruits can be cut up and left to soak for a few days in a little water to extract the flavor and color from the skin.

Some fruit, like apples, throw a tremendous froth after juicing and you will have to siphon the juice out after the froth has risen to the top.

Note that mixed fruit wines are very successful. If you have only a few apricots but a lot of apples, mix the juice to make up your gallon.

Add the sugar

Some fruit juice, like very sweet grape juice, will not need the addition of any sugar. Most other fruit wines will need sugar to be added. I normally add 2 pound of sugar to make up one gallon of fruit juice. If you prefer a drier wine, you can reduce this amount. This is the reason it is better to use several smaller glass vessels when starting with home fruit wine making - you can vary the amount of sugar in each (record this by writing on the carboy with a felt pen); when you eventually come to drink the wines, you will know which style between dry, medium and sweet that you prefer. More sugar also means more food for the yeast, and so more alcoholic wine at the end of the process.

Add the sugar by warming the fruit juice slightly in a stainless steel pan, and stirring in the sugar to dissolve it.

Add the yeast

Sterilize your carboy or demijohn with sterilizing solution, or boiling water. Put the sugared fruit juice into your vessel. Dissolve the powdered yeast in a little warm water and sugar in a cup, and leave it for a few minutes to activate. Then add the yeast to the fruit juice. Put your air lock on the vessel.

Fermentation of the fruit juice should begin soon, and you will see bubbles in the air lock. This means the yeast is converting the sugar to alcohol.

Watch and wait

Put your fermentation vessel in a warm place if possible. Ideally you should leave the wine fermenting for nine months to a year. If you drink it after only a month or two it will taste rough and poor; leaving it for about a year will let it mellow out - this really makes a difference. As fermentation goes on, you will notice a white layer appear at the bottom of the fermentation vessel. This is formed by dead yeast cells. You can 'rack', or siphon the wine into a new vessel, which stops the wine becoming tainted with a yeasty aftertaste. You should do this once a month.

Bottle your wine

If the wine has not clarified, and you want it to be fully clear before bottling, leave the vessel in a very cold place for a week or so, and the clarity should improve.

When the fermentation has stopped (no bubbles coming through the air lock) you can bottle the wine and cork the bottle. Remember to sterilize the bottles and corks before you use them. If you will be making a lot of wine, remember to label all the bottles with details of the fruit, the yeast variety used and date of bottling. If you make a superb batch, you can then try to replicate it in following years.

Drink up!

Few people can resist drinking a bottle at this stage. But most fruit wines are at their best up to two years after bottling, so you can put a few bottles aside until you have some friends round, or have something to celebrate. There's nothing quite like drinking your own wine, made the way you like it!

How To Make Wine At Home

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

BT: Nerdy white kid KILLS "Look at Me Now" (while cooking)

Nerdy white kid KILLS "Look at Me Now" thoughts this is cool This got got lyrics Check it out He got skills here: Lyrics... yellow cheese eggs, white pancake batterrrr, put a little bit up on the skillet when it starts to bubble flip it over with your spachla yeah yeah, that sh*t look like my breakfast i gotta remember to flip the motherf*cker over after cookin it for 30 seconds ladies love me, i got my OJ!, everybody said to do another fast rap to this beat so i said OK but imma speed it up real real fast til the whole damn bottle is gone and im challenging busta, watsky and twista, ANY of you rap kids FOLLOW ALONG COOK WITH ME NOW, COOK WITH ME NOW OH IM MAKING PANCAKES FRESHER THAN A MAF*CKA chris brown broke up with rihanna so he lookin for another silly idiotic hoe he can beat up i wish that he was man enough to get inside the octagon with me i'd knock him out like im lyoto machida front kick to the face just by throwin my feet up wink at rihanna, baby show me your d-cups im givin it to the man, the cakes are stickin right to the pan your fate is imminent imma diminish it anyways so if you smoke then reup Lets go! Gotta butter up another one and put it on the skillet couple minus til its done done aint no body f*ckin with this kid, so tell jerry san*usky im gonna ki*l him with a stun gun come come get a get a crumb, hit a spitta with a fit of venom when i split a drum take another visit in a minute where the menaces to society in inda gada ...

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